The International Village Shop is a growing trans-local network of cultural producers who set up trading places for goods with strong local connections.
Tzuika Odaja Style
Tzuika Odaja Style
Plums, 2015.A schnaps made from the plums grown on Odaja land.
story geschichte verhaal historia
‘Odai’ are small-scale mountain farms in Romania/s Valcea area, built on common land and used to complement the food production of village families. Each family would have a simple one room house – ‘Odaia’– comprising a barn and an animal stall, along with land for growing vegetables, an orchard and grazing areas.
Each August the mountains get busy with extended families and groups of friends picking the plums for a new season of Tzuika.
Tzuika is made in private on often self-built stills. It's traditionally bottled in 2l disused fizzy drinks bottles.
producer produzent producent productor
Odaja owners
Brezoi, Valcea, Romania