The International Village Shop is a growing trans-local network of cultural producers who set up trading places for goods with strong local connections.
Kunstmuseum Thurgau Shop / Shop in the shop
dates Datum datums fechas
- 13/05/2012 11:00 → 30/09/2012 18:00
forms of exchange Formen des Austauschs uitwisselings vorm formas de intercambio
Cash - Set Price, Swap Prodducts, Free
currency währung valuta divisa
Swiss Francs
host Gastgeber host anfitrión
Kunstmuseum Thurgau
format format formaat formato
Shop in the museum shop
contributors Mitwirkende medewerkers colaboradores
- - IVS Partner
- Kathrin Böhm - Shopkeeper
CHF 3.00
CHF 3.00
CHF 13.00
CHF 5.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 5.50
CHF 22.00
CHF 40.00
CHF 22.00
CHF 12.00
CHF 120.00
CHF 8.00
CHF 5.50
CHF 32.00
CHF 22.00
CHF 1.00
CHF 8.00
CHF 1.00
CHF 9.00
CHF 25.00